
How to make the perfect holiday cards for clients

Come October, businesses begrudgingly remember that they have to send out cards for Christmas. Scratch that, for the holidays. Then comes the poking around online looking for something that won’t offend anyone. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

The holidays are fun — whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, the season in general or only Thanksgiving. They give everyone the opportunity to be fun, creative and stay on brand.

At our office, we love the holidays from Halloween through New Year’s Day. We get to be as creative as we wish, taking design liberties and adding glitz –– all while staying on message.

Also, it’s our favorite time of year because we get to deliver ultra-creative and well-designed cards for our clients. We love it because our clients get to show off their festive side, a great side for their clients to see.

We’d be bummed about holidays too if we were stuck sending the same generic card. So get creative, relate it to your brand and personalize the message to your audience.

You’re likely thinking, that’s all fine and dandy, but what if you don’t have an ad agency at the ready?

Here are some ideas to help get you started:

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Just remember that any greeting cards you send should be as awesome as your brand, and they should help you resonate with your audience.

They shouldn’t make your clients feel like they are receiving just another generic holiday card from some generic business. Give the one card they’ll remember!

Laura Ure is the CEO of Keenability, a marketing agency specializing in lifestyle marketing that targets the affluent buyer. Follow her on Facebook or Twitter.

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