
How to market real estate like a Kardashian

Shutterstock / Kathy Hutchins

Chances are, unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard of the Kardashian’s. Maybe you even “keep up with them” on the sly.

Some may know them as only reality TV stars, but others know them as savvy entrepreneurs exploding their companies through smart branding and marketing.

The Kardashians have built quite the business portfolio with several clothing lines, beauty products and even apps. With a family net worth in the hundreds of millions, we could all learn a thing or two from the Kardashians.

A while back, I decided to adopt some of the Kardashian’s marketing and branding styles into my real estate business, and I was blown away by the results.

See, no matter how much one may try to avoid the Kardashians, the truth is, they show up strategically everywhere. In my opinion, these strategies should be adopted by all real estate agents looking to build or grow their brands.

1. Cast a wide net

The Kardashians net worth did not come solely from a television show. They have spent years and years building a brand and constantly marketing it. I’m sure you’ve heard that it’s always great to have multiple streams of income.

Well, the only way to have multiple streams of income is to cast a wider net. With that being said, the Kardashians are queens of diversification.

This is the same concept that must be used in your real estate marketing. With all that real estate has to offer, you must diversify your business and your marketing.

Instead of marketing only luxury homes, mix it up a bit. Start to focus on all aspects of your real estate including the client. This can include their lifestyle, their hobbies, things they like to do, places they like to go, and most importantly, places they like to live.

Show that you can help them with more than just a single type of property in a single location.

Also, it’s important to cast a wide net with your marketing channels. Many of us use social media as our primary lead generator. There are tons of social media networks out there.

Although Facebook has become the most popular, don’t forget about Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and even LinkedIn.

You’ll never see a Kardashian in just one place — you’ll see them everywhere.

2. Utilize video

Although you may not have your own TV show yet, you still have an outlet to market on a large scale. Social media has placed a large emphasis on video in the past few years. Video has taken over, and it’s one of the best ways to capture new fans and business.

Many of us did not know who Kim, Khloe or Kourtney were until we spent time watching them. Now, some of you may feel like you know them too well. It’s all through the power of video.

When I started my real estate business, I started recording videos on my YouTube channel, and I still record them today. Video creates a different type of connection with your audience. It gives them a feeling that they really know you.

People like to work with people that they like and trust. Videos will help you with your likability and trust factor.

3. Make it personal

It’s time for you to let your personality shine through your real estate marketing. Real estate agents are a dime a dozen. Chances are, you’re not the only real estate agent your client knows. Therefore, it’s time to get personal. There’s a difference in working with or buying something from someone you know, or at least feel like you know.

A few weeks ago, TMZ reported, Kim Kardashian debuted her fragrance line online. Sales topped $10 million in just one day! Here’s the killer part, those who purchased, had never smelled a whiff of the perfume. 

How does this happen? It’s all personal. Kim K had a launched a massive social media campaign to get the word out, but the truth is: People will buy anything from someone they know and love.

The only way to get to a similar place is to make your personality public. It’s so much easier today with social media to make this happen. Make yourself a friend to your future client.

The amount of business you do will change once people know you, or at least feel like they do.

When you’re doing video and social media, I recommend you let people into your family, your hobbies, your vacations and even your goals. They will know, like and trust you before you even know their name.

I know these practices may sound simple, but it takes real energy and dedication to implement them. The Kardashians have created a well-recognized brand, and they are full-time marketers.

As a real estate agent, you are a full-time marketer as well. Think about what you want your business to look like. How many clients do you want? Do you want people to know your name?

Think about how sweet it would be for someone to want to buy a house from you because they saw you on Instagram and thought you were cool. I can personally testify that it has happened to me, and it’s only because I have adopted, what I like to call, marketing like a Kardashian.

Chastin J. Miles is a Realtor with Rogers Healy and Associates in Dallas, Texas. Follow him on Instagram or YouTube.