
Feeling burned out? Ask yourself these 4 soul-searching questions

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

Reposted with permission from Rachael Hite. 

For many real estate agents, 2017 has been an incredibly vigorous and fruitful year in closings. Working in direct sales is a challenge. Customers demand clear communication, sufficient attention and extremely kind and pleasant interactions.

For even the most seasoned agents being “on” all the time is physically and emotionally draining. What’s an agent to do?

Do you feel the joy?

Ask yourself: do you like what you are doing? Take a hard look at your business. Are you ultimately happy with your career?

Have you just hit a rough patch, or have you lost the “joy” of helping others find success with their real estate needs?

If the answer is “I haven’t enjoyed this in months,” then it’s time to make a change. Many people hate to walk away from money on the table, but you can find a reliable referral partner and keep things flowing while avoiding the day-to-day grind.

Is it your environment?

Is your broker never available? Are you embarrassed to bring clients into the office because the layout is shabby, disorganized or unprofessional?

Is there a “frat”-type office culture that makes you cringe? Is the technology and branding behind the times and dated?

These can all play into your overall happiness as an agent. You need to be a brand that you are proud to promote.

Are you lacking organization?

Are there things that you know would improve your workday if you took the time to do them? It may be the time to get honest about evaluating your current systems and look for weaknesses.

Are you protecting your family and friends’ time? Do you make time to check your files to make sure nothing is missing and that no one has “dropped the ball.”

Are you making time to celebrate the good?

Sure, it’s easy for you to sit in a circle with other agents and try to win the “ My ________ is crazier than yours” story contest every week, but are you making time to celebrate the successes?

There should be good vibes and a celebration for closings and consideration of what it means to your clients’ lives.

The critical part of addressing burnout in your business is to take action on it before it is too late. Burnout can be damaging not only to your personal life but also to those you are representing.

In every career path, burnout is possible. It’s not humanly possible to be even 99.9 percent perfect to everyone and “on” 24-7/365.

Remember to take care of yourself and find a colleague whom you trust to help step in and take over if you need a break. Find your joy, and then jump back in refreshed and ready to go. Your clients will thank you.

What are your favorite tips for beating burnout? Share them below! 

By day, Rachael Hite helps agents develop their business. By night, she’s tweeting and blogging for