
Spring Forward: Dana Zdancewicz on ‘poking the deal with a stick’

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Dana Zdancewicz is an accomplished real estate professional working as a team member with mentor and mom Laura Caterson of the Devon, Pennsylvania office. Prior to working in real estate along Philadelphia’s Main Line, Dana worked as a television/cable professional with extensive management, producing, directing and creative experience. Dana’s multi-faceted experience includes creating the first local newscast and later serving as program director for five years for Harron Communications.

She made the move to QVC as marketing manager for Pioneer Studios, one of the largest production studios on the East Coast. Dana currently resides in Berwyn with her husband Jim and three sons Linc James, Rex Hamilton and Duke Francis. We recently sat down with Dana to ask her how she works with sellers on pricing, how she wins listings and how she works most effectively with past clients.

What are the three most effective things you do every day to grow your business?

Our business is part of our everyday lifestyle. Each day is about making new connections in both work and home life. In real estate there is no on and off switch. Most questions, meetings and opportunities happen on the ball field, at a dinner party and even at the grocery store.

Join a golf club, go to events, support charities — you never know who is teeing off with you or sitting at your table. Many a deal or referral happen socially. Get out there and socialize!

What tactics do you use for driving referrals and winning listing presentations?

Without a doubt our best clients come from our past clients. There is a trust and we both have a family member, friend or trusted confidant in common. We often say we love referrals, and throughout the year we work to keep that top-of-mind, among our sphere.

It is a multi-lateral effort via a good old-fashioned post card campaign, Facebook following page or with our annual customer appreciation parties held at various local museums or venues of interest. It is our philosophy that we are here for the long haul and the house you buy with us — we want to sell it for you two, 6, 10, 20 years down the road!

A tactic for winning listing presentations is to listen to the need and let the client or prospect know we will do everything in our power to attain the goal at hand. We work hard and strive for excellent service, and with that results happen.

How do you handle working with sellers on pricing?

We do our homework when it comes to pricing and show statistics. There is truth in numbers, however, pricing is part science and part art. You need to price competitively, while trying to reassure sellers that you are in the sweet spot of “a deal and slam dunk.”

Our business model is split 60/40 with 60 percent listings and 40 percent working with buyers. Having that balance helps us stay on top of various buyer pitfalls/scenarios and provides us an expert edge in problem solving before issues arise. This helps create a smooth road to settlement for all parties involved.

What is the best piece of advice you ever heard?

Two sage phrases help me in real estate. A mentor and real estate veteran once said, “If you think a deal is done, go back and poke it with a stick!” It may still be alive and if not, you move on!

Secondly, “one of the most radical things you can do in life is introduce people to one another.” I think of myself as a connector, and whether I’m connecting people with homes or with careers, introducing people to one another is powerful. It has yielded some great friendships and valued life-long clients.

If an agent should stop doing one thing today, what would it be?

I would say best advice here would be for the agent to stop thinking for his or her client. Instead, listen and let the buyer or seller react and respond. Often when pertinent information is relayed, the agent tells me his or her reaction before relaying the information. It is critical for agents to remember their role — we relay information and offer guidance when asked.

I feel my job is to educate the client about the current market place, statistics and values. It is the buyer or seller who has to ultimately make the final decision.


Want to connect with Dana? You can find her online, and on Facebook and LinkedIn.

You can also contact Dana at her office address:

Berkshire Hathaway Home Services, Fox & Roach, 431 W Lancaster Ave, Devon, PA 19333

Email Matthew Shadbolt