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What’s in your brokerage profitability plan for 2019?

How does your brokerage plan to succeed? Are you proactively planning your growth?

Real Estate Webmasters partners with top brokerages across North America, and time and time again, we’ve seen five success factors that matter the most.

Your agents matter

Top brokers on the move understand that technology is not their strongest asset. It’s their people — their agents, and staff.

To attract the most professional agents, brokers need to design future careers and support high-quality, fulfilling lives. Supplying a healthy inventory of buyers and sellers is the first step to nurturing those careers and managing a pipeline of business to stay competitive.

And the only way to fuel that pipeline in 2019 and beyond is to build a strategy backed by stellar technology.

Agents need to love their technology, their lead supply, and their lives.

Your lead gen strategy matters

Is your online platform driving business to your agents?

Websites are a means to an end. All of your online activities should generate positive ROI.

The challenge is finding an online lead generation strategy that offers an incredible frontend consumer experience as well as a stellar backend experience for your agents.

If you have a less-than-stellar website design, consumers are turned off. They will go elsewhere. If you bring in the wrong tools, agents are overwhelmed. Onboarding and adoption is weak.

You don’t need dozens of tools. You simply need to drive highly qualified, hyper-local buyers and sellers to your brokerage, backed by an easy-to-use CRM and lead follow-up strategy.

Your marketing matters

Marketing is hot or it’s not.

Now is not the time to coast on the growth of the past few years and let your marketing strategy take a back seat. New online competitors are emerging every day and brokerage rebrands are happening all the time.

It’s time to dial it up to stay competitive.

To amplify your agents’ marketing efforts, they need an advanced platform that helps them stand out and win clients.

What does that mean in 2019?

Use your marketing technology to blow people away.

Your brand matters

Your website isn’t just an extension of your brand—your website is the first impression of your brand across multiple channels and entry points.

And your website’s branding is more than just logos and photos. The user experience itself has to be seamless and user-friendly. Every interaction a visitor has with your website is an interaction with you. Every click or swipe is an opportunity to impress.

So make an impact.

Focus on building a beautiful website. Focus on user experience. Focus on great content. And focus on new branding opportunities like apps.

Your technology platform matters

Relying on too many tools from every corner of our industry results in fragmentation and less-than-stellar service.

Launching a new web platform in your brokerage is as much about execution as it is about the tools themselves.

And that’s where a great web partner comes in.

A great partner goes beyond providing a platform. A great partner helps your brokerage and your agents understand the power behind their tech and why it makes them better agents because of it.

The web is always changing, so having a reliable technology provider that can drive change management is the key to sustained success.

And we at Real Estate Webmasters can provide that partnership.

Real Estate Webmasters

Innovative web design. Exceptional SEM capabilities. High performance CRM. That’s how Real Estate Webmasters helps our clients generate the leads that convert into sales. And the results are nothing short of amazing. Come join the 60,000 other top real estate professionals in North America who have found success with Real Estate Webmasters.