
Focus! Where agents should really be spending their time

Photo by Alex Alvarez on Unsplash

As you can see above, I spent 30 minutes sharing what most won’t tell you about success in this market and this industry today. I know what it takes because I am on the ground with you, day in and day out, selling over 100 homes per year personally. Don’t listen to and buy into all those who sold real estate 10 years ago — or even worse, never sold a home at all — are saying.

You might ask, why am I so passionate about this? It’s because I am sick and tired of watching agents buying into all of these “latest and greatest” ideas and strategies only to find themselves searching for another “solution” six months from now.

This industry is tainted with “experts” and “coaches” who are just doing everything they can to make a buck off you, and I won’t stand for it any longer. I have absolutely nothing to gain by sharing this information with you, heck there is not even a call to action at the end.

My hope is that by reading what’s below and watching the video, you will be impacted in one way or another for your entire lifetime. Are there actionable items and takeaways that you can implement right away? Nope!

This is just a different way of thinking that will impact your business and sales decisions for years to come, which will lead to profits later.

If you’re playing in today’s industry, you should spend less time:

1. Researching models and systems

Instead: Pick one and master it — for at least a year

Stop chasing the magic pill or lead source: Master what you have before you chase something else. You have to think about the amount of time spent learning something else and the amount of wasted time spent researching every solution out there.

2. Fighting the ‘brokerage battle’ and paying attention to who is going where

Instead: Fight the ‘value-to-clients’ war

You didn’t get in this business to be a recruiter. Who cares who said and is doing what — put your head down, and get to work. The only thing that matters is results.

Why are you spending time on recruiting? Don’t think that because you had some average success at real estate sales that all of a sudden you’re going to be an amazing recruiter.

I’ve got news for you, you’re going to do a lot better recruiting buyers and sellers than you will recruiting agents.

3. Figuring out how technology can help you follow up with your clients so you don’t have to

Instead: Hone your sales skills

The bottom line is even if that technology makes our life easier — which we love, don’t get me wrong — I love the brokerage that I’m with and the technology that it’s rolling out because I don’t have the brain to put that stuff out there, and I certainly couldn’t afford to produce what it’s producing.

So I love it, but at the end of the day, that doesn’t mean I can stop what I’m doing over here. That doesn’t mean I can give up my sales skills and training.

Last time I checked, the goal is to set an appointment to then do what? Ultimately, the goal is to get in front of buyers and sellers. How will technology help you once you are in front of them? You will still need to have sales skills.

4. Worrying about your image on Facebook

Instead: Put that effort into your bank account

Since when do we get our security from social media? There are so many people chasing online validation — how is that helping your bank account or your clients’?

Stop getting your security from what other people think. More importantly, how is it helping your customers? You’ve got friends, you’ve got family. Share that kind of stuff with them.

Why? What’s the point of showing off online? Guess what — your clients are researching you, and do you really think they really want to see that stuff? Your value is to your clients, so who’s really winning here?

5. Trying to figure out the fastest and best way to grow and lead a team

Instead: Spend more time leading by example

Like attracts like. If you’re leading by example, then you’ll attract other people who also want to lead by example, thus raising the bar.

6. Making it all about you

Instead: Take the time to make it all about your people

There’s three common needs that people have: security/safety, money and recognition. How often are you recognizing your people? How often are you making it about them?

I learned early on from one of my first mentors, Mike Ferry. He said, “Jeff, if your people are learning, growing, making money and having fun, they’ll never leave.”

7. Chasing opportunities for yourself

Instead: Create opportunities for your people

Now, this is if you’re running a business or even have a small team or a large team, why is your focus always on creating opportunities for yourself?

Why aren’t you focused on creating opportunities for your people? Instead of asking, how can this benefit me? Ask, how can it benefit my people?

8. Figuring out how to get ‘out of production’

Instead: Attract people because of your production

The production that you produce, the listings that you take and the sales that you have are what causes people to be attracted to you.

If you don’t have a leader in production setting an example, you will lose people because nobody is there to set the example anymore. It’s amazing how many teams are breaking down and restructuring because they forgot that little point.

9. Comparing yourself to agents in your office

Instead: Look nationwide for comparison

The biggest mistake agents can make is they look around their office and are content with being the best in their office. I’m not saying you’re in the wrong environment, and you’re at the wrong office.

What I am saying is instead of comparing yourself to those agents and to the office, compare yourself to the entire brokerage or the entire multiple listing service. Even consider comparing yourself to the entire state and country.

The reality is that there’s more people to look up to outside of any environment than there is inside of it.

10. Counting your GCI and your sales volume

Instead: Calculate profit, and put money away

Somewhere in the past five or 10 years, there’s been so much focus around GCI and sales volume. Well, then what happens? There is no profit. So, why are you spending so much time in the GCI and the sales volume when you should be watching your profit?

Also, be careful how often do you use the term reinvest.

Reinvest is a bit of an overused term, and if you keep reinvesting without results you will be led to bankruptcy. Additionally, you have to have a short-term memory when it comes to awards and trophies. You earn top agent of the month, top list or whatever it is. That’s good. Let’s move on, and let’s get it again.

11. Trying to manage and fix people

Instead: Hire the right people

This is straight from Gary Keller. Why do you want constant turnover? Take more time, and hire the right person. I am all about giving someone a chance if they show potential, but if that is all I am doing, I will constantly have a revolving door.

When you are hiring for an executive assistant, you hire for traits of an assistant, and that’s great if that is all you want — an assistant.

If you want a big business, you are going to need an “assistant executive” one day, someone who can replace you and make decisions on your behalf whether you are there or not.

12. Taking advice from strangers on Facebook

Instead: Get a coach who’s the right fit for you

Why would you spend time with people who are being paid to promote a product? Do they have real life examples they can share with you? Get out of Facebook groups, and spend more time finding a coach who is the right fit for you.

13. With those that have never ‘done it’

Instead: Surround yourself with those who are getting it done

It’s amazing how many “experts” there are in this industry. You know the type: They’ve read 10 books, they belong to many groups, they’ve attended many seminars, they’ve managed many people, and they’re going to tell you how to succeed at a high level.

I don’t understand it.

Why aren’t you spending time with the people who are actually doing it? Why would you spend time with someone who hasn’t succeeded at something you’re trying to accomplish? It makes no sense to me.

14. Buying what everyone’s trying to sell you

Instead: Sell yourself on what you know you need to do

Spend less time buying what everyone else is trying to sell you and more time on selling yourself on what you know you need to do. It’s so easy to go out and buy a solution.

Buy this off the shelf, and take advantage of that. Let’s sign up for this program. Let’s buy into why you should spend more time on yourself and what you need to do to get better.

Quit chasing all that stuff. It just slows you down.

15. Focused on scarcity

Instead: Retrain your mindset to abundance

There’s always going to be enough to go around. Get over it. Stop thinking and making decisions with that thought.

16. Adding prospects to your database

Instead: Look for leads who actually want to talk real estate

I know talking to people is considered high rejection — but the more people you talk to, the more money you will make. If you really believe that the more people you put in your database the bigger business you will have, you are incorrect.

Because you’re going to lose to all the people who are willing to go out — and we’re getting rejected every single day, day in and day out

17. Impressed by the title on your business card

Instead: Learn how to be more productive

You’re an agent for gosh sakes, and if you lead other agents you’re a sales manager. Cut it out with this CEO and director crap.

If you’re a CEO, then go ahead and introduce me to your board of directors that voted you in. If you’re a director then go ahead and introduce me to the managers who report to you.

Exactly. Quit worrying about how “cool” your title is, and get to work.

Well, there you have it. I don’t have it all figured out. I’m not perfect. I know that there’s definitely things that I can do a better job of. But the reality is: If we keep getting distracted by all this other crap in the business, we’re going to lose sight of what we need to do every day — finding clients and providing excellent service.

The moment you take your eye off that ball, you’re going to lose to guys like me. Make it a great day everyone!

Jeff Glover is a Realtor with Jeff Glover & Associates in Michigan.