
Keeping It Real: The 4 cornerstones of business


On this edition of “Keeping It Real,” a recurring podcast series on Inman, Peter Lorimer discusses the four essential cornerstones that keep him and his business going and sustainable.

Let’s bring it down to the bare bones — if the foundation isn’t stable, the house will crumble.

A successful and sustainable business is built on four key cornerstones, four things that’ll drive your business forward in a real way: confidence, execution, longevity and gratitude.

Let’s get into it.

The first cornerstone is confidence. Confidence is more than believing you’re the best one for the job. It’s about owning your story and knowing who you are. It’s about authenticity and self-belief. Clients can tell when this piece is missing, and they’ll avoid you like the plague.

Cornerstone No. 2 is execution. This one is simple to talk about, much harder to, well, execute. But it’s everything. How do I make sure I’m executing each and every day? I time-block. I have a tried-and-true daily system, and I stick with it.

The third cornerstone is longevity, or patience. Stay the course, and give it your all. Stop starting and stopping, just go. What do you have to lose?

Finally, the last and most important cornerstone is gratitude — even when things go wrong. Sobriety is a huge part of my life, and because of that, I’ve learned to keep my head out of being a victim and expectations. Expectations are toxic.

My lovely wife, Cindy, has taught me the value of remaining in gratitude. And wherever she is, she realizes she is exactly where she is meant to be. I work to maintain that mindset each and every day, and I urge you to do the same.

What’s missing? Money is not part of this. I love goals and dreams, but I don’t want to be driven by money.

I’m driven by ambition, risk and the people I work with. What drives you?

If you’re interested in building a strong, sustainable business, listen to this podcast where I go into even more detail on the subject.

Peter Lorimer is the CEO of Beverly Hills, California-based PLG Estates.