
Want to be a top producer? Do these 6 things

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Top producers understand how difficult it is to cut through the noise and find solid answers that lead to success. The truth is that there is no fast track to success. All top producing agents earned their success through hard work, determination and focus.

These six ingredients are what all top producers are made of, and with hard work and dedication, anyone can be a top agent. Here’s what you need to succeed.

1. Develop a vision that continually inspires and drives you

You must have a vision that inspires and drives you. The vision will serve as your guide. You must see it to achieve it.

However, a vision is just a dream without a plan. So, write down your vision and the steps you will take to achieve it. What’s your ultimate destination? Where do you want to be in 10 years? How will you get there? Break it down. Where will you be in one year, five years, or next month?

Set SMART goals to achieve each step toward your vision. Here’s more on how to do that in real estate.

2. Know your why

Top agents know what drives them. Many start their days manifesting a vision of their success and reflecting on their “why.” Keeping your why at the front of your mind helps drive toward success.

What drives you? It could be anything. It’s what makes you feel alive, fulfills your happiness and drives your passion. Is it people? Is it the ability to travel? What about financial freedom?

Surround yourself with a vision board and reminders of your why. This will help motivate you on days you struggle to remember why you’re working so hard.

3. Understand that dedication takes planning and sacrifice

One of my favorite quotes about success comes from the musician Usher. He said, “Success is about dedication. You may not be where you want to be or doing what you want to do when you’re on the journey. But you’ve got to be willing to have vision and foresight that leads you to an incredible end.”

Sometimes the journey is not fun. Working in real estate is a roller coaster ride, and the highs and lows can be overwhelming. Don’t get distracted.

Stay dedicated to your plan for success, and be prepared to sacrifice. Top producers do not choose a day of golf over networking and prospecting when they have a bad day. They realize you have to push through even when you want to quit.

4. Learn to be fearless

Being successful means, you must become comfortable with being uncomfortable. Top agents have spent a lot of time experimenting until they find a recipe for success. When you experiment, you must think outside of the box, which is sometimes uncomfortable. Doing things other agents are not willing to do separates the best of the best from the status quo.

Today, real estate success depends on the ability to market yourself. If you’re not comfortable with being on video, you’ve got to get over it. The only way you will grow is to put yourself into situations where you are uncomfortable.

5. Project confidence

One thing all top producers have in common is they appear confident in all situations. The secret is they are not always as confident as they seem. Successful people learn to fake it and appear confident even they are not.

New agents who learn to “fake it until they make it” tend to find success faster than those who sit in the shadows.

6. Develop a spirit of generosity

Top producers have learned that giving is vital for success. Many become mentors to newer agents or lead a team. Most are frequently seen in the community and often give back through participation and advocacy.

Always give more to the Realtor community than you take. If you’re a new agent, you can give back through participation. This is an excellent way to network, make connections and learn the business.

Top producing agents did not get where they are without thought, dedication, perseverance and grit. They all have a vision, a why and a plan for achieving success.

Missy Yost is a Realtor with Century21 Diamond Realty in Bluffton, South Carolina. Follow The Yost Group on Facebook or Twitter