
How real estate vendors can leverage the 6 stages of intent

In the world of B2B marketing, making connections with your audience can feel impersonal. But your audience is still made up of people. These people have needs, and when your product, solution or service can speak to those needs clearly and compellingly, it’s a win.

Recently, Google published the “Six Stages of Intent” for B2C marketing, breaking down the various ways in which consumers seek out information online. These six stages are the motivation behind a person who is looking for something… something specific. And they want to be engaged in a specific way.

At their heart, these stages are emotional needs. Consumers start their day with a need, and so do decision-makers in the B2B world. From individual agents to managing brokers to association directors, the stakeholders in real estate are no different from the average consumer. They have a problem that needs solving and an emotional cue to connect them to your brand.

So here are the six stages of intent, coupled with how Inman Partnerships can help vendors deliver on them:

“Educate me.”
There is no doubt that the Inman audience is hungry for information. They read Inman and come to our events for insights on trends, reaffirming best practices, and guidance on navigating change in the industry. That’s why Inman offers opportunities for vendors to take on an educational role.

Inman Connect offers hands-on, in-person Workshops for Agents and for Brokers. Your company could also craft a custom Learning Lab to deliver valuable talks with thought leaders. In our digital channels, brands that teach with content use the power of story to provide direction and insight that our audience didn’t have before, establishing trust between reader and brand.

“Impress me.”
First impressions matter in real estate, and that’s true for vendors as well. Inman Connect Las Vegas offers the best opportunity for your company to put up an eye-catching booth that earns the ‘wow’ factor and attracts attendees. Go as big as a 20×20, creating space for conversation with prospects, product demonstrations or even topic presentations.

“Reassure me.”
Sure your brand is known, but who is behind it? Again, real estate is a people business, so leverage the Inman Instudio interview to connect a face to your brand.

These candid, conversational videos are broadcast as Facebook live events, allowing your company to show a personal side, taking on topics that the audience cares about. Be human, be authentic, and be reassuring of your commitment to the industry and your customer’s success.

“Thrill me.”
Guess what: real estate professionals like to cut loose. (Surprising, right?) Custom parties at Inman events offer the chance for brands like yours to create experiences your audience can’t miss — and won’t soon forget.

Our experienced event team will work with you to find a swanky location, an exclusive restaurant, or an exciting destination. Take everyone behind the scenes on Instagram to showcase the fun before, during and after, bringing the rest of the industry along.

“Help me.”
This is an information-based industry. And your brand may be sitting on a trove of valuable data or expertise. Work with Inman to publish a custom report using your resources. Focus in on your thought leadership, diving deep into a topic where your brand is the dominant voice.

Another option is to align with the award-winning editorial content being created by Inman journalists. From teams to property management to luxury, your company can link arms with the stories being published on specific topics by the editors, building brand awareness with your support of cutting-edge news.

“Surprise me.”
While Inman Partnerships have a media kit and event prospectus, we’re also here to be imagination partners. We’ve created unique digital and event opportunities for our sponsors and advertisers, and many of them started with the idea of doing something new and different.

What that looks like depends on your brand. One-of-a-kind activations are exciting and innovative, and can truly showcase your brand’s out-of-the-box thinking.

Talk to the Inman Partnership Team to develop creative, powerful ways that your brand can reach our audience, no matter what their intent.