
Keeping It Real: Hit the pause button, and make informed decisions

It’s been much like a domino effect, this pandemic.

The virus has infiltrated areas and industries we never thought it could touch. That’s a reality we’re all coming to terms with on a daily basis. Every morning, we wake up to new updates, new cases and to even harsher realities

How is business going to be affected? We just don’t know. It’s too early to understand and predict the full extent of the pandemic’s impact. What we do know, however, is that there are many businesses and industries that have taken quite the punch in the gut. Bars, restaurants, travel and hospitality industries are all affected in more ways than one. 

It seems insurmountable.

This began like any unforeseen circumstance; we were all just moving along in our day-to-day lives. I’m in escrow on a new home, and I definitely had some scary thoughts run through my brain regarding what the next few months could look like.

To cope with the uncertainty, I want to share a few things that I’ve learned in life that have helped me in moments of darkness. There’s a phrase that’s really close to my heart, and it’s this: This, too, shall pass. Even though we’ll be changed by this event forever, I believe it will pass. That’s one thing I do know. 

Another thing I do when faced with major change is hit the pause button — until I have a clarity of thought. Right now, none of us can predict where this is going to go. When in doubt, it’s OK to just pause. Instead of knee-jerking and rushing to completely change what you were planning on doing, take a moment to breathe. Wait until you have all the information you need to make an informed decision, especially if it’s a major one. 

I am going to continue with business as (close to) usual. PLG Estates is all working remotely. We’re all practicing social distancing. We’re all being safe. 

I’m also a strong believer in community. As a community, when things are in a state of flux, we need to come together, both personally and professionally. We can support each other and fight through this. 

Hop over to this podcast, and take a breath.

Peter Lorimer is the CEO of Beverly Hills, California-based PLG Estates.