
Smart home tech for agents: Comparing Ring and Nest video doorbells

The Ring doorbell has been a common entry point for homeowners. It’s easy to install and works across a Wi-Fi connection. Users can see who’s standing at their doors remotely on their phones. They can also set up motion detection and view and share video recordings through the included app.

The Ring doorbell works well with Amazon products, as well as Brilliant’s smart home control panel. It can also remotely lock and unlock your door with its compatible smart lock, and if you want more features, additional cameras, sensors and lighting are available.

If you opt for the Ring doorbell, we’d recommend swinging for the pro version, which is hardwired. That said, there have been some security issues reported in the news recently, which could be a cause for concern.

Nest, which has gained popularity from its smart thermostat, now offers its own Nest Hello video doorbell, indoor and outdoor cameras, sensors and security system that work across the Google network of devices.

The “Works with Nest” program is now being transferred over to “Works with Google Assistant,” which may affect integrations with third-party vendors.

Google Nest’s professional monitoring and recorded backup plans are available for $5, $10 or $30 per month, depending on your needs. This is a great system for someone who may already have the Nest devices and would like to stay within the Google family of products.

The camera includes facial recognition software, so you’ll know when your family members or friends are at the door, and you’ll be able to let them in when you’re not home. The doorbell can be used to control August Smart Locks and Yale Locks. There are additional products available and are all controlled in the same app.

On the downside, the Nest Hello is a slightly more difficult to install, and it does require an adapter to be installed on chime. It’s not quite as compatible with other systems, but as mentioned before, it’s great if you’re already using Google products.

Brandon Doyle is a Realtor at Doyle Real Estate Team — Re/Max Results in Minneapolis and co-author of Mindset, Methods & Metrics – Winning as a Modern Real Estate Agent. You can follow him on Twitter.