
Subscribe to Extra Credit, Inman’s new mortgage & closing newsletter

Inman is pleased to announce the launch of Extra Credit, a new email newsletter covering the rapidly evolving mortgage, title, settlement and escrow industries. 

A mix of breaking news, important trends and profiles of interesting people and companies, Extra Credit aims to help smart professionals keep an eye on the future of the digital transaction. 

Subscriptions to Extra Credit are free. Head here to sign up for Extra Credit now.

What is it? A fresh new email newsletter covering the rapidly evolving mortgage, title, settlement and escrow industries.

Who is it for? The entire ecosystem of the real estate industry — agents and brokers; mortgage loan officers, brokers, and servicers; title, escrow, and settlement professionals; and the software developers, executives, entrepreneurs and investors who work up and down the real estate transaction.    

Why is it different? Forget the alphabet soup that makes so much mortgage and closing coverage inaccessible and wonky: this is the first smart, fast, easy-to-access mortgage newsletter of its kind. With a heavy focus on the technology shaping and changing the industry, it covers the beat with an eye toward the future of the digital transaction, and how smart professionals can stay ahead. 

Here’s a sample of what we’ll cover:

We’d love to hear what you think. Send us tips, story ideas and feedback to

And, subscribe for free if you haven’t already. The first issue drops this afternoon, and each Wednesday hereafter.