Accessors and real estate agents seeking property data for specific single-family homes in Orange County are now able to obtain this information via ParcelQuest.
The Sacramento area-based property data provider recently announced its search products now include characteristics data for residential parcels in the OC. Single-family characteristics of a home include its bedroom and bathroom count, square footage, lot size, garage size and year of construction.
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Up until this point this data was costly to obtain from the county accessor’s office. Thanks to a policy change implemented by a newly-elected assessor the price got lowered significantly.
“Those characteristics were available they were just very cost prohibitive to the point where we couldn’t invest in it,” said Brett Zugnoni, director of marketing for ParcelQuest, adding a number of California County Assessors offices give the property data provider this information for free on a daily basis.
Acquiring the characteristic data for the OC still equated to a sizable investment for ParcelQuest; however, the addition of this data won’t affect subscribers monthly or yearly subscription fees, Zugnoni said, noting before this data addition
Monthly fees are either $99.95 or $149.95. The later subscription allows individuals to view all data for a home or single-family lot via an integration with Google Maps.
A statewide upgrade of property data
In addition to the recent OC upgrade, ParcelQuest recently added transaction history reports for single-family homes within California’s 58 counties.
“That’s a big deal,” Zugnoni said. “It allows them to see all the transactions that have occurred on that property, not just the recorded deed or title.”
Of the professionals that utilize ParcelQuest the highest percentage are appraisers, as they need info regarding previously assessed values and vacant land. The property data service is also utilized by some agents, along with government agencies and utility companies.
“I would say real estate agents and brokers try to get (property) information for free from other sources,” he said.