Realtors Property Resource (RPR), a subsidiary of the National Association of Realtors that provides data on 166 million properties and data tools to all Realtors free of charge, has added new features to make it easier for users to generate market reports, identify distressed listings and learn about training classes offered by RPR.

Realtors can click new tabs in RPR’s mapping tool to generate a neighborhood or market report. RPR also now offers a new chart on the charts tab of a property that highlights the inventory of distressed listings.

Realtors Property Resource's click-to-create report tool.

Realtors Property Resource’s click-to-create report tool.

Those listings “are now marked as short sales matched against the inventory of distressed properties that could be in any stage of foreclosure as identified through public records,” RPR said in a statement.

[Tweet “NAR’s property data tool has made it easier to generate market and neighborhood reports”]

RPR has also taken steps to raise awareness of the various training programs it offers to agents by creating a “featured workshop” landing page highlighting five of RPR’s core classes with dates and times offered.

The National Association of Realtors recently announced that RPR had partnered with the broker-backed initiative “Upstream” to create a data-entry platform that will function as a middleman between real estate firms and the recipients of their data, including multiple listing services and vendors.

Email Teke Wiggin.

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