
Why you should become an Inman contributor

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You might or might not know that we are on the second year of our Inman contributor program, and it has more than doubled since we began.

Why? Because Inman contributors have their ears to the ground in real estate and keep our readers informed on many facets of the business — from a practical perspective.

Mortgage professionals, agents, brokers, owners, investors, lenders, appraisers, builders, tech startups, large corporation heads, mentors, mentees, new agents, old agents — you name ’em, we’ve got ’em. Anyone can contribute, and we love our contributors.

There are many benefits to contributing with Inman — both for contributors and readers. One such benefit is a weekly newsletter in which I profile a contributor each week. One thing I always ask is: “What made you want to contribute?” I’ll let them tell you in their own words.

What makes contributors want to contribute?

“Inman’s audience is diverse and challenging. It’s a great forum to hash out the big debates of our industry.” – Sam DeBord

“There is a need for continued training and professional development in real estate — particularly the kind that isn’t dry and dull and delivered by those who don’t currently sell. My passion is to make real estate agents great.​” – Leigh Brown

[Tweet “‘Inman is the Gold Standard for real estate information and communication.’ – Sam Benson”]

“To be aligned with thought leaders of the real estate industry and share what I have learned with both real estate agents and clients.” – Kevin Leonard

“Real estate is undergoing a lot of exciting changes right now, and it is rewarding to explore and share as we evolve as an industry.” – Heather Sittig

“I see Inman as the pinnacle of real estate content. I’ve been reading articles on Inman since my start in real estate and wanted to contribute.” – Jason Cassity

“Inman’s engaging, interactive tone really attracted me. I like being creative with my writing as well as informative, and I saw that Inman encouraged these traits.” – Emily Hoffman

“I am so passionate about Inman News and the people connected to Inman. I just simply wanted to give back by contributing something of value.” – Steve Weiss

“My desire to connect with and help others ultimately is why I enjoy contributing to Inman and being a part of this robust community. This is a great network of camaraderie, where we can share and help one another grow, in order to reach the next level in both our professional and personal lives. Who wouldn’t want to participate in such a group!” – Lee Davenport

“The challenges we go through and the perspectives people have. I love to find simple solutions or thoughts around a topic and write about it. Becoming an Inman contributor just brought my focus to real estate specifically, and I love being a part of this amazing group.” – Cheryl Spangler

[Tweet “Steve Weiss: I am so passionate about Inman News and the people connected to Inman.”]

The benefits of becoming an Inman contributor

Becoming an Inman contributor means you are part of the team of about 500 real estate professionals who cover various topics including marketing, brokerage, rentals, agent advice, industry news, international markets and more. Our contributors submit articles, infographics, videos, podcasts, listings, etc., which are published on our website daily.

Benefits of becoming a contributor:

These are just a few of the benefits contributors enjoy. If you are interested in becoming a contributor, please read the contributors guidelines and FAQs.

Then, when you are ready, please send me — because I wrangle the contributors program — an article or pitch to get the ball rolling. The article must be original, not published elsewhere and add to the conversation on Inman.

I always recommend doing a Google search to see what’s been said on the site already about the topic. Around 500 words is a perfect length, and how-tos and lists are always popular.

Please send your article to or I look forward to working with you.

A final thought from our leader

“I love our contributors: they are smart, diverse and enrich the Inman newsfeed every day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the generosity of your expert advice. The industry gets better because of you.” — Brad Inman

[Tweet “Brad Inman: I love our contributors: they are smart, diverse and enrich the Inman newsfeed.”]

Email Dani Vanderboegh.