
Insights and sage advice from Inman Connect New York 2017

Some of the most memorable moments at every Inman Connect are the key insights and the sage advice that puts everything into perspective.

This year’s Inman Connect New York was no exception, starting with a proclamation from staff at The New York Times — “We love Donald Trump — he’s been great for our business!”

Key insights

Rich Barton, Zillow Co-Founder and Executive Chairman

Mayur Bhatnagar, CEO & Co-Founder, Arlo Skye

Brian Boero, Partner, 1000Watt

Ryan Johnson, Vice President of Operations, Opendoor

Kala Laos, JK Realty Founder

Sally Krawcheck, CEO and Co-founder, Ellevest and author of Own It: The Power of Women at Work

Adrienne Meisels, CEO and Founder of

Ralph McLaughlin, Trulia Chief Economist:

Jake Silverstein, Editor in Chief, New York Times (NYT) Magazine on the launch of the virtual reality (VR) platform and what they learned:

  1. Avoid novelty for novelty’s sake (in other words, “shiny object syndrome”).
  2. The key to VR is its immersive quality that is virtually identical to being there.
  3. VR is not an extension of video. Instead, it’s an entirely new, transformative technology that will revolutionize how buyers view homes.
  4. More than 1 million readers downloaded the NYT cardboard viewer allowing them to experience VR en masse.

Sage advice

Brian Boero, Partner, 1000Watt

Rand Fishkin, Wizard of Moz

Valerie Garcia, CEO Valerie Garcia, Speaker and Consultant

Dottie Herman, CEO, Douglas Elliman

Gabriele Oettingen, Professor of Psychology, New York University

Ben Wellington, Data Scientist, I Quant NY

If you want an endless source of content for your website, blog or social media site, visit your local city’s public data site and share the interesting tidbits that you find there — the rankings of various chain restaurants from cleanest to dirtiest food, how many days per month is the local lake or oceanfront too dirty to swim in, or how much each fire hydrant in the city generates in parking fines.

One of Wellington’s most astonishing findings was a $750 million error in New York City’s Police Department budget — the category: “the protection of foreign missions.”

This error actually made it through the budget process and no one even noticed!

The coming changes will transform our business and our personal lives in ways we can’t even begin to fathom. Plan on being at Inman Connect San Francisco in August — it’s the best way to prepare now for what’s coming tomorrow.

Bernice Ross, CEO of, is a national speaker, author and trainer with over 1,000 published articles and two best-selling real estate books. Learn about her training programs at and

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