The California Association of Realtors today announced the launch of its Safe-Calling Compliance Kit for real estate professionals, which aims to help brokers and real estate office managers train their personnel to comply with the safe-harbor provision of federal do-not-call regulations. The safe harbor provision aims to help protect a business from lawsuits seeking to enforce violations for phone calls made to numbers listed in the national Do-Not-Call Registry.

The kit contains national Do-Not-Call Registry instructions, a sample office policy, training materials on CD, Federal Trade Commission Q&A information, complete legal references on federal do-not-call rules, Consent for Communications (CFC) forms in both paper and WINForms electronic forms software.

“Not only does the Safe-Calling Compliance Kit spell out, in user-friendly language, the recommended polices to comply with federal regulations, but it also includes hands-on training tools to implement those policies and training procedures,” said C.A.R. President Ann Pettijohn. “The Safe-Calling Compliance Kit is right on target, packaged to provide an all-in-one solution for brokers.”

The Safe-Calling Compliance Kit for Real Estate Professionals was developed by C.A.R.’s legal staff and is being marketed by Real Estate Business Services Inc. (REBS) as a risk management training tool in the SureTrac family of products. REBS, a subsidiary of the California Association of Realtors, is a provider of real estate products and services to practitioners in California and is the exclusive official supplier of premium incentive items for the National Association of Realtors.

In addition to the California-specific kit, a national version of the Safe-Calling Compliance Kit also will be available due to the widespread impact of the new federal do-not-call requirements. The national product will be marketed and sold primarily through RE FormsNet, a REBS subsidiary, with its core product value being the new Consent for Communication form provided through a ZipForm add-on library of electronic forms.

The Safe-Calling Compliance Kit for Real Estate Professionals will retail for $99 for C.A.R. members.

Los Angeles-based C.A.R. is a state trade organization with more than 135,000 members.


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