Glenn Kelman: It's 'game on' for the 2025 housing market
In his latest CNBC appearance, Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman talked about mortgage rates, the lock-in ...
by David Oct 7
Florida's biggest insurer hands off 600k policies as new storm comes
The Florida Legislature-created Citizens Property Insurance Corporation has been so overwhelmed ...
by David Oct 7
Rocket hires Venmo, PayPal vet to lead product engineering teams
Papanii Okai will help the mortgage giant harness artificial intelligence and build out fintech ...
by David Oct 7
Forget mega-teams. Half of all teams have 6 or fewer members
California-based proptech leader RealScout has partnered with T3Sixty and Tom Ferry to release its ...
by David Oct 7
The problem with positive thinking that nobody talks about
Embrace the full spectrum of thoughts — positive and negative — and you’ll find a more profound ...
by David Oct 7
5 best tools and strategies for multifamily lease retention
It’s much easier to keep great tenants than to find them in the first place. That’s why an ...
by David Oct 2


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