The Real Estate Transaction Standard working group is meeting this week in Cincinnati, Ohio to discuss the latest developments in technology standards in the real estate industry.

RETS is the open standard for exchanging real estate transaction information. It consists of a transaction specification and a standard Extensible Markup Language (XML) Document Type Definition (DTD). Real estate industry leaders are implementing these standards in their next generation of real estate information systems.

The RETS working group publishes, maintains and enhances standards and maintains, the central warehouse for developer information about RETS.

The meeting this week is at the Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza Hotel through Thursday.

Subsidiary workgroups within the RETS group work on specific areas within the standard. Workgroups consist of people with an interest in a particular area of the standard. Any person who has an interest in one of the subject areas can attend and participate.

The subsidiary workgroups include compliance, data dictionary, marketing, media management, metadata, transport and update.

Some of the things the groups are working on and will discuss at this week’s meeting include creating guidelines and documents to help developers comply with RETS specifications, maintaining the RETS dictionary and marketing the benefits of RETS to vendors and users.


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