Valadonia Interactive on Thursday announced the launch of, a free service that aims to connect potential renters with garage apartment homeowners. was inspired by founder Adam Parish’s personal experiences while researching and locating a garage to rent in the small town of Celebration, Fla. “I feel that garage apartments add value to the community by providing additional income for homeowners, opportunities for renters to live in a real community as a opposed to a typical apartment complex, and housing diversity,” Parish said.

Garage apartment owners register for the service at the Web site, and they can then post their garage apartment for free. Individuals looking for a garage apartment to rent can search by state to find garage apartment listings. Potential renters are not required to register.

A garage apartment listing will stay on the site indefinitely, and garage apartment owners can simply change the status of their apartment from either “available” or “not available.” If the garage apartment is available, the owner’s contact information will be displayed. Otherwise, the contact information will be hidden. This aims to reduce the time-consuming process required to post the apartment over and over again.

The service currently has 30 listings in three states and more than 100 registered members, according to a press statement.

Valadonia Interactive LLC provides Web hosting, Web programming and free niche content solutions.


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