Re: ‘Rookie Realtor says no ethics in real estate‘ (March 29)

Dear Rookie,

Stick to your convictions. People like you who hold up a mirror to our profession are making a great contribution. Your friend is wrong about compromising standards. I surely hope she never works with someone I care about.

Charles Britt
Broker Associate
Towne & Country Real Estate
Lexington, Ky.

Dear Rookie,

Re: ‘Rookie Realtor says no ethics in real estate‘ (March 29)

Dear Rookie,

Stick to your convictions. People like you who hold up a mirror to our profession are making a great contribution. Your friend is wrong about compromising standards. I surely hope she never works with someone I care about.

Charles Britt
Broker Associate
Towne & Country Real Estate
Lexington, Ky.

Dear Rookie,

You hit the nail on the head! Your broker won’t care if you bend or break the rules either, as long as the money comes in and no one files a complaint with your state real estate commission (if you have one).

My experience has been that the more you expound about this, the more others will try to make your life miserable. They do not want this known to the public or anyone else. My observations and experiences as a Realtor for many years is that most of them are self-centered, uneducated, arrogant people who can’t hold down a job anywhere else, used to sell door to door and are looking for a fast buck. Period. If you jeopardize that, they will do everything in their unethical power to see that you go away.

I came to real estate from corporate America with a master’s degree. I was accustomed to treating people with respect and being treated with respect. Ha! What a rude awakening it was to discover the bunch of con artists I had joined!

The big producers are never reprimanded because their brokers protect them. Consequently, the commissions go after the little guys, so they can justify that they do something for their pay. It’s extremely discouraging to someone with honor and ethics to watch people’s largest investment of their lives be treated this way. It’s also very difficult to hold your head high and proud when you say, “I’m a Realtor,” because you think the person you are talking to thinks you are pond scum.

If you really enjoy real estate and want to stay in it, my advice to you is to be able to look yourself in the mirror each day; to conduct yourself in a way that your family can take pride in being related to you; and to practice real estate ethically, so when the big guys sick the commission on you, they have nothing to find! That’s really a good feeling. After a few of those incidents, even the commission will look to some other little guy they think they can nail for something regardless of the pressure on them to go after you.

Blake Morgan
Sandia Sky Realty

Dear Rookie,

I am not sure what your article was about, other than slamming your fellow Realtors by insinuating that we will all succumb to the trappings of success by unethical behavior.

Well, “Mr. New Agent,” after being in the business as an agent, broker and now an owner of a successful brokerage for more than 13 years, I can honestly say that you are quite wrong. Good old fashioned hard work and long hours are necessary to get the objects of success or “trappings” as you call them. All of you rookies are looking for the “magic pill” or the secret to making tons of money, and the bottom line is that all it really takes is hard work, not unethical behavior. You failed to identify the unethical behavior that goes on in our business because you don’t know yet.

You have no clue as to what it takes to last in this business and get beat up by buyers and sellers every day. Look in the mirror, pal. When times get tough will you be prepared and will the agents you just slammed be there to pick you up? I am afraid I wont be there for you! Best of luck and I would watch out what you say about your peers before you have walked in their shoes!

Jeff Jensen
Windermere Professional Partners
Tacoma, Wash.

Dear Rookie,

Real estate is a very cooperative business–most transactions involve two Realtors, remember. Standards of high ethics and professional behavior are qualities that are typical of the most successful agents. It is appreciated, not only by the loyal customers who think enough of you to refer you to their friends, but also by the real estate community of area agents who may, at one time or another, look forward to having an escrow with you.

You may have had one bad experience with a Realtor, but do not attempt to demean the entire profession–most of us are proud of what we do and strive to do the best we can for our clients, while maintaining a reputation for the highest of ethical conduct–for both our customers and our fellow Realtors.

Sue Kracke
Coldwell Banker
Auburn, Calif.


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