A former drug dealer who went by the assumed name Lynn Sites was arrested last week in San Diego. He started a new life under his Sites identity 17 years ago
His real name is Mark Miller. He surrendered to the San Diego Violent Crimes Task Force on Friday at his workplace on Kearny Villa Road, according to Task Force spokesman Brian Lucio.
Miller has been running a computer-programming business called Trustium in recent years, investigators said. Under the name Sites, Miller often worked in the real estate technology field.
Miller under his assumed name was responsible for the entire geo-coding effort for Dataquick, a real estate information service. He also was a partner in an Internet venture dubbed Equinta. He was well known in real estate data circles.
Twenty years ago, Miller allegedly smuggled drugs from Mexico by airplane for sale in the West, Lucio said.
In 1987, he was charged with drug smuggling when his airplane crashed in Arizona. The plane was too heavy due to the drug supply on board.
Miller ran off while awaiting his trial and has been on the run ever since, prosecutors allege.
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