DonationChannel has launched a new “on-the-fly” street address mapping capability for its Enhanced RealBird Aerial Maps Viewer, a personalized GIS (Geographical Information Systems) tool for real estate agents.
Agents can add the RealBird Viewer to their Web site, link it to any number of listings, display local schools information, view parcel lines and more. The new, “on-the-fly” address mapping capability extends the use of the Enhanced Viewer for large amounts of listings, making it possible for brokers, Multiple Listing Services and IDX feed integrators to add aerial maps to listings.
The service covers the continental U.S. and is fully Web-based, with no extra software to download. The price for individual agents is $125/year, and for brokers and MLSs it varies depending on volume.
In addition to on-the-fly linking, the Enhanced RealBird Viewer includes manual linking to property listings, embedded schools database with automatic Google links to school information, embedded USGS landmarks database and full color aerial maps.
RealBird was created by DonationChannel in mid-February as a way to link up real estate agents and home-buying parents of school-aged children, said Gabriel Gross, founder of DonationChannel. DonationChannel, a Redwood City, Calif.-based company founded in May 2003, solicits charitable donations for elementary schools.
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