ENeighborhoods, a compiler of home and neighborhood information, has added aerial and satellite photographs as a new feature of its Internet real estate marketing services.

To promote the new service, eNeighborhoods personalized every cover of National Real Estate and Relocation Magazine with aerial photography of the home or office of each individual recipient.

The development of the cover was a mix of data, satellite imagery and variable data printing technologies.

“Our first challenge was getting the aerial images to match National Real Estate and Relocation Magazine’s subscriber addresses,” said Greg Robertson, vice president of marketing for eNeighborhoods. GlobeXplorer was the source for the aerial photography.

“When eNeighborhoods approached us about this idea, we were thrilled,” said Paul Smith, COO of GlobeXplorer. The company is a provider of online earth imagery that powers many portal Web sites, and the company also delivers land information to thousands of businesses, government agencies and consumers daily.

National Real Estate and Relocation Magazine provided the subscription database and put the special artwork for the cover together, while Robertson oversaw the front and back covers incorporating traditional offset press and digital variable data printing technology. The magazine’s vendor, Banta Printing, printed the inside pages and completed the binding in record speed.

“Aerial images are a huge hit with our customers,” reports Dave Meyer, president of eNeighborhoods. “They could not believe that their homes and offices were featured on the front cover of their trade magazine.”


Send tips or a Letter to the Editor to glenn@sandbox.inman.com or call (510) 658-9252, ext. 137.

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