Radian Group Inc., a company that specializes in mortgage insurance, public finance, reinsurance and structured finance, has unveiled a new Web site that includes resources such as stock and financial reports.
New features and tools include: enhanced financial data for investors, transaction details for public finance clients, downloadable fliers for Radian’s mortgage insurance and structured finance products, quick access to information on Radian’s structured finance solutions in the United Kingdom and European Union and a new homebuyer section with interactive calculators that is available in English and Spanish.
“As Radian grows, so do the needs of our Web site visitors,” said Jonathan T. McGrain, Radian’s senior vice president of corporate communications. “As the Web continues to transform the way we communicate, we look to provide our audiences — including clients, investors, the news media, prospective employees and homebuyers — with online tools that help them learn more about Radian and work with us more efficiently.”
Visitors to Radian’s former Web addresses, including radiangroupinc.com, radianmi.com and radianassetassurance.com, will be automatically redirected to radian.biz.
Radian Group Inc. is a credit enhancement provider to the global financial and capital markets, headquartered in Philadelphia. Radian’s subsidiaries provide products and services through three business lines: financial guaranty, mortgage insurance and other financial services. Premiums for Radian’s mortgage insurance can be lender-paid or borrower-paid, and homeowners can up for monthly payments or a single payment.
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