A new service available in Florida allows home shoppers with cell phones to get information on for-sale homes in the form of a text message.

ClearSky Mobile Media Inc., a wireless marketing company, announced today that it has rolled out iCODE, which enables prospective home buyers to dial in a code to receive information about a home. The service launched in Windermere, Fla.

Buyers who spot a home using the iCODE (short for information code) system send a text message to iCODE with a four-character code listed on the for-sale sign. The iCODE service then responds with a text-message describing the house. So far, iCODE works with AT&T/Cingular, T-Mobile, Sprint and Verizon cell phone services.

“Flyers attached to yard signs have been nothing but problems for us, yet people want instant information about a house they are driving by,” said Judy Black, owner-broker of Main Street Realtors.

“We are tremendously excited in reaching the Realtor market with our newest extension of our iCODE service,” said Dean Fresonke, CEO of ClearSky Mobile Media.

ClearSky Mobile Media Inc., based in Orlando, Fla., specializes in wireless marketing and mobile entertainment services, and has customers in North America, South America, Europe and Asia.


Send tips or a Letter to the Editor to glenn@sandbox.inman.com or call (510) 658-9252, ext. 137.

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