Intuit has launched Quicken Rental Property Manager, a software program designed for people who manage up to 10 rental properties. The program enables property owners to organize income and expenses throughout the year, making tax time much easier.
The software also provides a clear picture of rental property performance, eliminating guesswork as to which properties are profitable.
Quicken Rental Property Manager features a two-step setup, simple property organization, income and expense ledgers, one-click tax report, an income and expense report, vehicle mileage tracking and a receipt tracker.
According to Intuit, approximately 10 million individuals or married couples own rental properties in the United States. Many existing software programs were designed primarily for property management companies and often are overly complicated and too expensive for people who own just a few rental properties to use.
Quicken Rental Property Manager retails for approximately $99.99, and includes one year of free technical support.
Intuit provides business and financial management services for small and mid-sized businesses, consumers and accounting professionals. Its flagship products include QuickBooks, Quicken and TurboTax software.
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