Orlando, Fla., topped the list of destinations searched by second-home shoppers, according to Internet statistics tracked by EscapeHomes.com, an online real estate marketplace for second-home buyers and sellers. The company reported that Orlando was the most popular second-home destination searched by its Web site users in June 2005.
Destin, Fla., was second on the list, followed by Naples, Fla.; Myrtle Beach, S.C.; Ocean City, Md.; Phoenix, Ariz.; Venice, Fla.; Galveston, Texas; Bend, Ore.; and Las Vegas, Nev. The results are based on more than 200,000 property searches in June. Naples was the top destination by searches in March and April.
Phoenix moved up four spots, to number six, since the May index. New cities on the list include Ocean City, Bend and Galveston. Retiring Baby Boomers and International buyers have been major forces in the Florida real estate market, EscapeHomes.com noted.
The EscapeHomes Web site includes featured communities, featured properties, online forums, and listings for new homes. Forum topics include geographic areas, investment, vacation, retirement and general information on second homes.
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