SAN FRANCISCO – Eneighborhoods has launched a new Web-based marketing service that enables real estate professionals to quickly and easily create fully automated, personalized, color direct response marketing campaigns, the company said Wednesday.
The new service automates the direct mail process for real estate agents so they can produce and distribute personalized print communications to prospective clients.
ENeighborhoods also compiles home and neighborhood information and has announced a series of turnkey direct response marketing programs that incorporate up-to-date, localized information about properties, neighborhoods and schools. Each campaign includes customized data for the recipient’s neighborhood, such as recent home sales or aerial imagery.
The system also can track and measure the marketing effectiveness by incorporating unique personalized URLs, the company said.
Expanding upon the eNeighbhorhoods e-mail newsletter service, the company is now offering a print version of “Neighborhood News.”
The newsletters and mail marketing pieces are highly customized. “For example, a recipient could receive a postcard with the five most recent home sales closest to their address, or the average SAT scores of their daughter’s school district or the pricing pattern of recent home sales, or maybe the median income of their neighbors,” said Bryan Ehrenfreund, director of product development for eNeighborhoods.
The system also integrates a new contact management system for both e-mail and print direct mail marketing campaigns. The new contact manager can import records from other programs such as Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express and Top Producer, allowing users to create profiles or groups of contacts for submission into specific marketing campaigns.
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