One of the nation’s largest Multiple Listing Services for real estate is offering wireless real estate data and GPS to 28,000 real estate practitioners throughout New England.
MLS Property Information Network said today that it will offer its members the Pathfinder wireless handheld MLS Data/GPS.
Pathfinder is a Pocket PC-powered, all-in-one PDA device that enables wireless access to real estate MLS data, GPS technology, prospect information, and MS-Outlook- synchronized contact and task lists – anywhere, anytime.
“Residential real estate is more customer-focused and competitive than ever. Today, wireless technology that provides instant access to MLS, GPS and other essential information is a strong competitive advantage for agents – eliminating the need to say ‘Let me get back to you.’ And yet, soon, I believe that such wireless connectivity will be as indispensable in our business as the Internet and the cell phone,” said Kathy Condon, president and CEO of MLS Property Information Network.
The Pathfinder system was developed by Advanced Marketing Services, which develops productivity tools for real estate practitioners.
“Twenty years ago we had huge MLS books that we had to bring with us everywhere. Not anymore, the Pathfinder combines the MLS with the GPS navigation system all on my handheld — which already acts as my phone, address book and to-do list,” noted Rick Coughlin, of Coughlin & Co. in Weymouth, Mass.
“I am able to provide cost comparisons and find specific properties at the touch of a button, and with the color images provided I can show the client right then and there what their options are,” Coughlin added.
The Pathfinder system is available immediately to MLS PIN customers, in three packages: the Pathfinder MLS Access Software (No GPS Navigation), the Pathfinder MLS Access Software With GPS Navigation Software, and the Pathfinder MLS Access Software With GPS Navigation Receiver and Pocket PC PDA.
MLS Property Information Network has more than 28,000 members and maintains a database of more than 40,000 active real estate listings.
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