A new Internet partnership allows real estate professionals the ability to stream the most accurate data about schools, surrounding neighborhoods, community profiles and local businesses right onto their Web sites.
The partnership between Sperling’s Best Places, a nationally recognized company that identifies the best places to live, work, retire and raise a family, and Greatschools.net, a nonprofit organization and advocate for educational excellence, aims to provide real estate professionals the information their customers are seeking.
“Home buyers naturally look for homes in good neighborhoods with good schools,” said Bert Sperling, CEO of Sperling’s BestPlaces. “With this data available at their fingertips, real estate agents can provide accurate and timely information to their clients, which could very well result in a positive customer lead conversion.”
The BestPlaces.net and GreatSchools.net neighborhood and school profiles are currently available and feature everything from state test scores, parent reviews, teacher experience and class size to neighborhood demographics and local business information. Visitors can even compare schools and neighborhoods within the state.
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