Editor’s note: Inman News would like to introduce the first column in what will be a regular series from well-known real estate blogger and broker associate Kris Berg.

It has been one of those weeks. If there was ever a career that took multitasking to extremes, it is real estate. The little voices just never give it a rest.

When was the last time you updated that Web site? Haven’t twittered much lately, have we? Why does the face in your Facebook look suspiciously like a default question mark, doofus? Two whole friends! My, aren’t we the popular one?

Editor’s note: Inman News would like to introduce the first column in what will be a regular series from well-known real estate blogger and broker associate Kris Berg.

It has been one of those weeks. If there was ever a career that took multitasking to extremes, it is real estate. The little voices just never give it a rest.

When was the last time you updated that Web site? Haven’t twittered much lately, have we? Why does the face in your Facebook look suspiciously like a default question mark, doofus? Two whole friends! My, aren’t we the popular one?

OK, fine. Today I will focus on the technology side of the business, if only to get my feedreader off my back.

Run the comps, open the escrow, write the offer, nag the lender, show the homes, call for feedback. Blog, dang it!

Wait, you’re right. Today I will focus on the foundation of our business — the people. The back-office stuff can wait.

You do remember you have an ad deadline looming, don’t you? Are you waiting for that new listing to paint its own self-portrait? Oh, and by the way, your property brochure holder is empty.

I feel like a skittish rabbit poised on the centerline of the busy highway. I see the oncoming traffic, and it is approaching from all directions — fast. Do I go left or right? Or do I just freeze and wait to get killed dead by that semi heading my way?

Hey! This is your toner cartridge here! Feed me!

I have always thought this is why women are particularly suited to real estate careers. We have the multitasking gene, yet we are uniquely prone to worry about the little things, and the little things are what threaten to make us emotional road kill. My husband has the uncanny ability to do one thing at a time. I hate him for this. He is like a horse with blinkers on. "So? The cat is on fire. Can’t you see I am trying to compose an e-mail?"

Fortunately, the Internet has made our lives so much easier. Our documents and our news, our information and our clients are all online. For the multitasking maniac, the sky is the limit! For the agents embracing technology, our connectivity is a welcome stalker. When we dare to venture away from our stationary office, our Web-based trappings follow us. They come to our showings and inspections, and they join us at the grocery store and out to dinner. Too much wireless has left us too wired and, while the power-off switch is always within reach, we tend to suffer from disconnect anxiety.

So we e-mail the contracts while we IM our clients while we scan the blogs, fearful that we might miss the big announcement on the next great tool to better serve you. Our eyes are forever darting and our attention is continually diverted to the pop-up window. What’s that ringing in my ears? Is it the phone or a new Tweet? Maybe it’s just the smoke alarm. That reminds me. I need to "put the cat out."

Yo! Web 2.0 here. Isn’t it cool how I have simplified your life and streamlined your business?

Oh, shut up.

Kris Berg is a real estate broker associate for Prudential California Realty in San Diego. She also writes a consumer-focused real estate blog, The San Diego Home Blog.


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