Four of the five most popular U.S. neighborhoods are in Portland, Ore., and Seattle, based on for-sale real estate searches at in September.

Nataliia Natykach /Shutterstock

Four of the five most popular U.S. neighborhoods are in Portland, Ore., and Seattle, based on for-sale real estate searches at in September. 

Zillow reported that homes in Portland’s Hillside neighborhood were more frequently searched than homes in any other U.S. neighborhood tracked by Zillow during that month. Zillow has created a database of thousands of neighborhood boundaries for the largest U.S. cities.

The neighborhoods on this list tended toward the high end. All had Zillow Home Value Index values above those posted for their city as a whole in August. Seven out of the 10 neighborhoods had index values more than twice their city’s overall index value.

The two Atlanta neighborhoods on this list, Tuxedo Park and Chastain Park, showed the biggest value differences between the neighborhoods and the city as a whole. While Atlanta’s overall index value stood at $119,800 in August, these two neighborhoods had index values of $1.08 million and $665,700, respectively. That translates to more than nine times the city’s index value in Tuxedo Park and more than five times the city’s index value in Chastain Park.

Methodology: For this report, Zillow identified neighborhoods with the highest volume of home searches at during the month of September.

Zillow queried 11,005 neighborhoods in its database, measuring page views and number of properties. The "hottest" neighborhoods were measured by looking at how many page views each property in a given neighborhood received, rather than just the total number of for-sale properties in that neighborhood.

Zillow also examined the number of properties to ensure a statistically significant sample — the query included neighborhoods with 25 or more for-sale properties. For example, a neighborhood with 500 for-sale properties with 10 page views each is less "hot" than a neighborhood with 100 for-sale properties with 50 page views each. This better tracks neighborhoods with high demand, rather than just a high number of homes.

The charts in this report compare Zillow’s home-value index for each neighborhood area to the index value for the entire city area.

Zillow’s Zestimate home valuations are the basis for the Zillow Home Value Index. A Zestimate is Zillow’s estimate of the current market value for a home. The Zillow Home Value Index is the median Zestimate valuation for a given geographic area on a given day. Zillow generates valuations several times a week on more than 70 million homes, or roughly three out of four homes in the U.S., and calculates historical values dating back to 1997. Source: Zillow

Neighborhood: Hillside

City: Portland, Ore.


August 2011 Zillow Home Value Index (Hillside) $562,200
August 2011 ZHVI (Portland) $228,000
Value difference of neighborhood (by percent) 147%
Value difference (in dollars) $334,200

Portland’s Hillside neighborhood. Image courtesy of


Neighborhood: Laurelhurst

City: Seattle


August 2011 Zillow Home Value Index (Laurelhurst)  $772,900
August 2011 ZHVI (Seattle) $346,700
Value difference of neighborhood (by percent) 123%
Value difference (in dollars) $426,200

Seattle’s Laurelhurst neighborhood. Flickr/soggydan



Neighborhood: Southwest Hills

City: Portland, Ore.


August 2011 Zillow Home Value Index (Southwest Hills) $521,400
August 2011 ZHVI (Portland) $228,000
Value difference of neighborhood (by percent) 129%
Value difference (in dollars) $293,400

Portland’s Southwest Hills neighborhood. Flickr/Jason McHuff


Neighborhood: Palma Ceia

City: Tampa, Fla.


August 2011 Zillow Home Value Index (Palma Ceia) $270,400
August 2011 ZHVI (Tampa) $90,800
Value difference of neighborhood (by percent) 198%
Value difference (in dollars) $179,600

Downtown Tampa, Fla., at night. Henryk Sadura/Shutterstock


Neighborhood: Montlake

City: Seattle


August 2011 Zillow Home Value Index (Montlake) $609,400
August 2011 ZHVI (Seattle) $346,700
Value difference of neighborhood (by percent) 76%
Value difference (in dollars) $262,700

Seattle’s Montlake Bridge. Flickr/stevevoght


Neighborhood: Country Club

City: Denver


August 2011 Zillow Home Value Index (Country Club) $665,600
August 2011 ZHVI (Denver) $193,500
Value difference of neighborhood (by percent) 244%
Value difference (in dollars) $472,100

The gates of the Country Club neighborhood in Denver. Photo courtesy of Jeffrey Beall.


Neighborhood: Tuxedo Park

City: Atlanta


August 2011 Zillow Home Value Index (Tuxedo Park) $1.08 million
August 2011 ZHVI (Atlanta) $119,800
Value difference of neighborhood (by percent) 802%
Value difference (in dollars) $961,000

Atlanta’s uptown district of Buckhead, pictured here, is surrounded by a series of suburban neighborhoods including Tuxedo Park. Flickr/Brokentaco


Neighborhood: Chastain Park

City: Atlanta


August 2011 Zillow Home Value Index (Chastain Park) $665,700
August 2011 ZHVI (Atlanta) $119,800
Value difference of neighborhood (by percent) 456%
Value difference (in dollars) $545,900

Home in Atlanta’s Chastain Park neighborhood. Flickr/Conrad Lyles Realtors


Neighborhood: Sunnyside

City: Portland, Ore.


August 2011 Zillow Home Value Index (Sunnyside) $291,900
August 2011 ZHVI (Portland) $228,000
Value difference of neighborhood (by percent) 28%
Value difference (in dollars) $63,900

A colorful home in Portland’s Sunnyside neighborhood. Flickr/thekirbster


Neighborhood: Mission Valley

City: Fremont, Calif.


August 2011 Zillow Home Value Index (Mission Valley) $843,000
August 2011 ZHVI (Fremont) $491,400
Value difference of neighborhood (by percent) 72%
Value difference (in dollars) $351,600

Old school building off of Mission Boulevard in Fremont, Calif. Flickr/robscomputer

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