Foreclosure data aggregator RealtyTrac has hired Jake Adger as its chief economist and will charge him with spearheading the company’s new analytics department.

Adger and the new department will conduct original economic housing research and work with RealtyTrac’s database and public relations team to create new, publicly-available real estate reports and studies, RealtyTrac said.

Foreclosure data aggregator RealtyTrac has hired Jake Adger as its chief economist and will charge him with spearheading the company’s new analytics department.

Adger and the new department will conduct original economic housing research and work with RealtyTrac’s database and public relations team to create new, publicly-available real estate reports and studies, RealtyTrac said.

Jake Adger

He will also provide other business units within RealtyTrac with analysis and research to help them develop new products and services for RealtyTrac customers.

In his new role, Adger is likely to find himself mentioned in the news often, as do the chief economists from real estate powerhouses Zillow and Trulia, Stan Humphries and Jed Kolko.

RealtyTrac has recently launched a brokerage network that promises to help partner members attract media exposure themselves, through reports on local housing trends that combine RealtyTrac’s hard data with brokers’ “local tribal knowledge.”

“We are building our analytics team and bringing innovation, transparency and excellence to the real estate industry, and we are delighted that Jake has joined the RealtyTrac team,” said RealtyTrac CEO Jamie Moyle in a statement.

Moyle said Adger brings research and analytics experience “that will help us to track important housing market trends, empowering real estate consumers and investors with the information they need to make good decisions.”

Adger comes to RealtyTrac after eight years at SuccessFactors, a provider of cloud-based business execution software, where his most recent position was director of technical product marketing. Before SuccessFactors, he had spent nearly three years as a consultant at Deloitte Consulting where he advised large high-tech clients on sales and marketing operations and systems implementations, RealtyTrac said.

Adger has a master’s degree in business administration as well as a bachelor of sciences degree in economics and computer science.


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