In the lead-up to the spring buying season, Trulia has revamped its iOS and Android smartphone apps with image-dominated displays and one-tap navigation that makes some once-buried features easier to find.

Property detail pages on the free apps now feature full-screen photos, which show property details like price and address as text directly overlaying the image, said Steven Yarger, Trulia’s mobile product manager.

In addition, the app updates make features that were once nestled under layers of navigation more accessible. For example, a home’s map view can be accessed directly from its property detail page, and Trulia’s info heat maps sit one click away in a transparent menu bar on the apps’ map view.

Yarger says Trulia has plans to roll out these updates to the apps’ tablet versions and to Trulia’s full suite of 15 mobile apps over the course of 2014.

In the fourth quarter of 2013, a majority of traffic to Trulia came from mobile users, Trulia CEO Pete Flint told investors in an earnings call last week.

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