BoomTown, a real estate marketing firm that bakes real estate search websites, search engine marketing and a customer relationship management system into one offering, has released new tools that allow brokers and team leaders to network multiple websites and better manage teams and brands.

The tools let users bundle multiple Internet data exchange (IDX) listing search websites and distinguish them with distinct branding and listing sets. IDX listings are those pooled by participating brokers in a given market to power consumer-facing search sites. A single back-end dashboard provides insight into the entire network of sites.

BoomTown also released three new website themes that it said will become part of a larger design library.

“These new offerings provide flexibility through design choice, custom listing sets and networking multiple platforms for greater transparency,” said Grier Allen, CEO and president of BoomTown, in a statement.

BoomTown announced a $20.1 million funding round in September. Other firms with similar offerings include Kunversion, Real Geeks and TorchX.

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