We all have strengths and weaknesses. There are things that we find easy to do and things that simply don’t come naturally to us.

The key to achieving success in life and business is learning how to leverage and utilize the strengths that we have while managing and containing our shortcomings. Here are some tips to keep in mind when you’re putting this into practice:

Know your strengths

Everyone can say what they’re bad at — but what are your gifts? Often, your strengths can be difficult to identify because they’re so natural to you that you don’t recognize them as anything special.

In fact, the first time you might realize you have a gift is when you see someone struggling with a task and you can’t understand why they’re finding it so difficult. It can take time and hard work to figure out what your strengths are, but identifying and then using them is vital to success.

Play to and leverage your strengths

Don’t get distracted by what your competitors are doing or chase activities that don’t chime with you. Instead, figure out the tasks you are good at, and leverage them.

If you’re a people person, for example, then maximize this in every way you can. It’s crucial to focus on your strengths — work hard at them, practice them and protect them. The most successful people find what their strengths are, match them with something they enjoy doing and then go do it.

Identify and shore up your weaknesses

We’re all human, so it goes without saying that we all have weaknesses. You don’t have to focus on your shortcomings, but, to be ultimately successful, you must evaluate what they are and then legislate for them.

Identify and acknowledge your weaknesses and then put a support system in place. That might mean hiring an assistant or leaning on other professionals for advice and help.

As President Theodore Roosevelt once said, “The best leader is the one who has sense enough to pick good people to do what needs to be done and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.”

Delegate, don’t abdicate

Just because you’re not good at something doesn’t mean that you get a hall pass. Yes, you must delegate and systematize your shortcomings, but you don’t have license to abdicate total responsibility.

Stay disciplined

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. If you make the commitment to delegate certain activities, then follow through. Allow those who you’ve appointed to support you to get to work and make their own mistakes.

How you play to your strengths and shore up your weaknesses is in direct proportion to how you can grow, both personally and in business. So concentrate on what you’re good at, delegate what you’re not, and you’ll be well on your way to having your best year ever.

Brian Buffini is the chairman and founder of Buffini & Company. You can follow Brian and Buffini & Company on Facebook.

Email Brian Buffini.

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