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  • Laura Roy refers out 95 percent of the buyer leads she receives to help her stay focused on her core competencies.
  • After a two-year retirement, she returned to real estate as a coach.
  • She shares her tips for agent top performance.

On today’s show, we’re joined by Laura Roy, a Realtor with The Real Estate Group, serving the Virginia Beach area of Virginia. Roy is an experienced real estate professional with over two decades of industry experience, selling hundreds of homes in her local market area. She spent 18 years with Re/Max, with individual production ranked as high as third for the Re/Max agents in the state of Virginia.

Roy’s focus is primarily on being the best listing agent possible — and she refers out 95 percent of the buyer leads she receives to help her stay focused on her core competencies. She’s also experienced in property management, having managed over 30 properties for owners helping to provide rental housing to military families, and is a member of the National Property Management Association.

After retiring for two years, Laura came back into the industry, and — and after settling back into her routine and once again growing her business — she got into coaching. She is now a coach herself, and joins us to discuss how agents can perform better in their real estate careers.


Tim and Julie Harris have over 20 years’ experience in real estate. Learn more about their real estate coaching and training programs at timandjulieharris.com, or schedule a free coaching call with them at freecoachingcallsforagents.com.

Email Tim Harris.

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