In a number of D.C. neighborhoods the majority of newly-built housing has been rental product, but with more $1 million-plus home sales occurring it now seems for-sale developers are ready to re-enter the fray. Lock 7 Development is under construction on 22 townhomes in the Northeast D.C. neighborhood of Brookland.

  • New townhomes for roughly $500,000 seem to represent an affordable option in DC considering volume of $1 million-plus sales
  • Demand for new housing in DC is there
  • District has a large population of potential millennial homebuyers

In a number of D.C. neighborhoods the majority of newly-built housing has been rental product, but with more $1 million-plus home sales occurring it now seems for-sale developers are ready to re-enter the fray.

Lock 7 Development is under construction on 22 townhomes in the Northeast D.C. neighborhood of Brookland

The two-level homes will be completed in spring 2016, with presales to begin shortly. With some existing homes recently trading for more than $1 million in Brookland the developer has to like its chances of selling 22 homes starting in the high $400,000.

Lock 7’s David Gorman states Brookland represents a less dense urban neighborhood that features older housing stock mixed with newly built rental – creating a need for new housing. To assemble the development site the firm acquired contiguous parcels from two separate owners.

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According to Graphiq, Brookland received a 19.7 score in its best places to raise a family category, a low rating for neighborhoods in the district. The neighborhood is also just outside the region where the most “hipsters” and young professionals live.

[graphiq id=”1BjRHDq32tL” title=”Brookland Washington, DC 20017 Profile” width=”600″ height=”600″ url=”” link=”″ link_text=”Brookland Washington, DC 20017 Profile | FindTheHome”]

A number of these young professionals appear to be educated and make a solid income, which would seem to make them solid candidates for future home purchases. Overall, D.C. has a disproportionately large young professionals (25-34) population.

Email Erik Pisor

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