Standing on the corner of Trinidad and Florida Avenues, it’s easy to see that big changes are happening in Trinidad. Over the past five years, this area has seen a 50 percent increase in sales.

  • Trinidad has seen a major uptick in sales due to the influx of millennials and the area's affordability
  • Public transportation and bike-sharing amenities are within easy access an growing in the region
  • The Trinidad area is increasingly desirable for investors as well

Standing on the corner of Trinidad and Florida Avenues, it’s easy to see that big changes are happening in Trinidad. Over the past five years, this area has seen a 50 percent increase in sales.

Here’s why: For D.C.’s young professionals looking for a better value equation, Trinidad offers this compared to other parts of the city.

The new 30-somethings want accessible transportation and walkable neighborhoods. They want to be sure they can get to work quickly.

[Tweet “DC’s young professionals looking for a better value equation should check out Trinidad.”]

Two Capital Bikeshare stations, one on Neal Street and Trinidad Avenue Northeast and one on Bladensburg and Benning Roads Northeast provide this.

Most Trinidad neighborhoods are a short walk on wide tree-lined streets to the NoMa Gallaudet metro station, and the area is serviced by many bus lines including D4, D8, D3, X2, X3 and X8. Trinidad boarders the H Street Corridor, which is expecting a 2016 opening of the D.C. Streetcar.

What else do millennials want? They want good food and a healthy lifestyle. That new dining experience they are looking for is right next door in NOMA at Union Market and it has it all. Red Apron, The District FishWife, Takorean, DC Dosa and Buffalo Bergen, just to name a few.

Closer is Bardo Brew. For groceries, the area boasts a new Giant on H and Third and is awaiting the opening of Whole Foods on Sixth and H in 2016. Newly opened: 405 Yoga on the corner of West Virginia and Florida Avenue NE, two Cross Fit studios and The Rosedale Center are just a few of the options for keeping healthy.

For investors, Trinidad has proven itself worthy. Many four-unit buildings with long-term rental history provide consistent rental income provided by DC Housing or private tenants. One- or two-bedroom units are perfect for an investor who is looking to make small updates rather than whole house renovations. Once on the market, these multi-unit buildings last an average of 10 days, so be sure to act quickly.

Ditto, Pierce Investments and Lock 7 Development are just a few of the names you can see in large letters posted all throughout Trinidad. If it’s new construction, with retail and restaurants within the building your buyer is looking for, this neighborhood has you covered.

Lastly, every neighborhood aiming to attract DC’s millennials needs a mural.

This one is just going up on the corner of Florida and 13th.

Jack Shoptaw and Esther Konrad combine years of real estate and interior design knowledge servicing their clients with NEVO Group

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