Logan Circle’s burgeoning real estate development may start to see a slow down following the completion of a four-story luxury apartment complex on one of the region’s last developable land parcels. The building, named HOLM, is located at 1550 11th street and houses 38 luxury apartments and 3,000 square feet of retail space.

  • HOLM luxury apartment building features 38 units in DC's Logan Circle
  • The building was constructed in one of the area's last pieces of developable land
  • The location is considered to be one of the best in all of DC

Logan Circle’s burgeoning real estate development may start to see a slow down following the completion of a four-story luxury apartment complex on one of the region’s last developable land parcels.

The building, named HOLM, is located at 1550 11th street and houses 38 luxury apartments and 3,000 square feet of retail space.

The development by CAS Riegler Companies will feature amenities across the board. From a rooftop penthouse structure to a dog park directly across the street, the modern HOLM building is catering to the large population of millennials opting to rent instead of buy in Washington, D.C.


The goal of the units is to use space in its most efficient way, maximizing square footage. And the space also incorporates a sense of community, with a shared courtyard garden and common rooftop terrace.

“CAS Riegler is dedicated to creating unique real estate products in urban infill locations with a specific focus on residents’ sophistication and use of their homes when living in urban locations,” said C. Adam Stifel, principal of CAS, in a statement.

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“HOLM’s sustainable, forward-thinking design will appeal to trend-setting residents who already live in the immediate area and want to stay, but are ready for a more refined design aesthetic and a location that allows them to take advantage of all the great neighborhood amenities without being surrounded by more than 200 other tenants.”

Email Kimberly Mannning

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