Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices PenFed Realty recently promoted three long-time real estate professionals to lead three offices in the DC area. The three new branch managers, Jeremy Cunningham, Michael Mulvey and Diane Taylor, have a unique set of professional credentials, including long and successful careers in law and the military.

  • Three new branch managers were named by Berkshire Hathaway HomesServices PenFed Realty.
  • Two of the managers are veterans; one of which is a pilot.
  • One manager is a lawyer with experience in legal assisting for real estate transactions.

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices PenFed Realty recently promoted three long-time real estate professionals to lead three offices in the DC area.

The three new branch managers, Jeremy Cunningham, Michael Mulvey and Diane Taylor, have a unique set of professional credentials, including long and successful careers in law and the military.

“All three managers bring a wealth of experience and significant career achievements to the Realtor community,” said Kevin Wiles, president of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices PenFed Realty Mid-Atlantic, in a statement. “They will provide the latest training, technologies, marketing support and problem solving insights to our very talented agents.”

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Jeremy Cunningham started his career serving four years in the U.S. Navy as an Aviation Electronics Technician and is a FAA licensed pilot. Before becoming a successful real estate manager seven years ago, he served in a variety of sales management positions in the aviation industry. He now leads the Vienna and Oakton offices in Northern Virginia, and had coached, trained and managed as many as 265 agents at his previous company.

According to Cunningham, the blend of a real estate company (Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices) and a financial institution (PenFed) is the key reason he joined the company.

Michael Mulvey served in the U.S. Army for 24 years before entering the real estate industry. He was honored with a corresponding number of awards and medals during his military career. He began his real estate career in 2003, and now leads the Federal Hill office in Baltimore City.

“It was an easy transition into a real estate career, which I recommend to any service members who are thinking about an entrepreneurial job,” Mulvey said in a statement. “To date I have completed 250 transactions for a total volume of more than $100 million dollars. Now as a branch manager, I’m looking forward to helping agents and their clients achieve major success.”

Diane Taylor is a lawyer who now leads the leads the Howard County office in Columbia, Md. She held a variety of positions in the legal field before becoming a professional agent. She said that her experience as a legal assistant exposed her to real estate settlements and contracts.

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices PenFed Realty is a full-service real estate company with annual sales volume of $2.8 billion with 1,700 sales agents and more than 50 offices providing complete real estate services nationwide. PenFed Realty is a wholly owned subsidiary of PenFed Credit Union (PenFed), a financial institution with $19 billion in assets and more than 1.4 million members. PenFed Realty is also a member of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices.

Email Kimberley Sirk.

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