A number of long-held domain names are becoming available as baby boomers reach retirement age — and broker.com is the latest. But not at any price.

  • Buyers wanting the privilege of owning the domain broker.com are going to have to find at least $1 million to tempt the seller.

A number of long-held domain names are becoming available as baby boomers reach retirement age — and broker.com is the latest.

But not at any price. Buyers wanting the privilege of owning the domain name are going to have to find at least $1 million to tempt the seller, according to Dave Evanson, senior domain broker at Sedo.com, the global domain name exchange. The seller has owned broker.com since 1996, and now that he’s nearing retirement, he’s put the domain up for sale.

The domain name, which has been marketed for close to a month, is attracting international interest, including queries from a large real estate company from China and a conglomerate out of Europe, said Evanson. A dozen serious buyers have put forward offers in the six-figure range so far, he said.

Evanson said the domain name would suit real estate, insurance and stockbrokers best.

“Broker.com would give a real estate brokerage company one of the best addresses on the Internet,” he said.

[Tweet “For sale: One of the best addresses on the Internet for real estate.”]

“There’s a really good chance that the ultimate buyer comes from the real estate industry, especially from the US,” he said.

“It’s not a small amount of cash, but it could bring in a lot of targeted traffic — you could do a lot with it,” Evanson added.

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