At a time when Chicago’s for-sale housing inventory is hitting new lows, one neighborhood is seeing a rise in its supply of single-family homes and could be a hidden buyer’s market. Lakeview had 90 homes for sales at the end of February, which equates to roughly 7.3 months of supply, according to a blog posting from Gary Lucido, president of Lucid Realty.

  • Average time on the market in Lakeview is 95 days.
  • Home values in Lakeview and North Center have minimally appreciated during the past year.
  • The Chicago Cubs second baseman recently bought a home in North Center.

At a time when Chicago’s for-sale housing inventory is hitting new lows, one neighborhood is seeing a rise in its supply of single-family homes and could be a hidden buyer’s market.

Lakeview had 90 homes for sales at the end of February, which equates to roughly 7.3 months of supply, according to a blog posting from Gary Lucido, president of Lucid Realty.

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The reason for the increased supply– homes are taking longer to sell.

According to Lucido, for the 12 months ending February 2016 the average market time for a single-family home in Lakeview was 95 days. At that same time, sales activity has remained relatively unchanged, with homes appreciating by less than 2 percent year-over-year.

He notes that the number of luxury listings is on the rise within the neighborhood. Currently the community’s median price home value stands at nearly $325,000.

One luxury listing to recently hit the market is a four-bedroom, 6,000-square-foot home in the neighborhood’s Southport Corridor. According to the Chicago Tribune, the mansion features a bathroom themed after the party game Twister. The 2010-built property was initially listed in 2013 for just under $5 million. Today it is being listed at around $3 million.

North Center real estate

Adjacent to Lakeview, the North Center neighborhood has more than four months of single-family home inventory. Of note, during mid-2015 the neighborhoods supply eclipsed five months.

Similar to Lakeview, home values in North Center have not appreciated significantly spanning the past year, by an estimated roughly 1 percent.

One notable recent transaction in the neighborhood involved Chicago Cub’s second basemen Ben Zobrist. The cub recently bought a newly-built, six-bedroom home in the North Center enclave of St. Ben’s for roughly $1.9 million.

Entering February, Chicago’s for-sale housing inventory, including condos, was at 7,292, down 17 percent year-over year. According to Lucido, Chicago’s supply of single-family homes sits around 3.7 months.

Email Erik Pisor

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