U.S. apartment rents have increased for the third-straight month, according to Yardi Matrix’s monthly survey of 119 markets. June rent rates increased by exactly $10, or 0.9 percent, to another all-time high of $1,213.

  • Yardi Matrix's monthly survey report of 119 markets found rents rose in price by double digits for the third straight month, and $10 for the month of June.
  • San Francsico ranks no. 1 for forecasted rent growth, with a rate of 10.5 percent by the end of 2016.
  • Occupancy rate in San Francisco dipped slightly in May, from 96.8 percent to 96.6 percent.

U.S. apartment rents have increased for the third-straight month, according to Yardi Matrix’s monthly survey of 119 markets. June rent rates increased by exactly $10, or 0.9 percent, to another all-time high of $1,213.

Rents were up 2.7 percent in the second quarter of 2016 and climbed 5.6 percent on an annual basis. Year-to-date rents increased 4.2 percent, which is almost to the tipping point of the forecasted total 2016 growth.

Although home prices increased pretty consistently, rental growth has slowed. Annually, rent growth dipped 30 basis points and is down 110 basis points from the most recent high reported in October. Prices have steadily risen since the start of the year.

Yardi studied the Brexit in its June report as well, but the company doesn’t believe the overseas shift will have much of an impact on the apartment market in the U.S.


On an eight-year average, rent growth was reported by Yardi at 2.8 percent. The only market of the 119 studied that saw annual rents hit a mark below that rate was Houston, where rental growth has slowed substaintially. Compared with the national annual growth of 5.6 percent, Austin and Philadelphia were the two cities closest to the average.

[Tweet “Annual rent growth sat at 5.6 percent in June according to Yardi”]

Sacramento came in with the highest year-over-year growth, followed by Seattle, Portland and Los Angeles.


On a trailing 12-month basis in June, rents grew by 6.2 percent nationally. Rents fell by 10 basis points overall, which was largely due to a dip in lifestyle renters from 5.9 percent to 5.8 percent.

San Francisco rent growth

San Francsico rent growth is forecasted as the highest in the nation. According to Yardi, average rent will grow 10.5 percent by the end of 2016, right above Sacramento’s 8.8 percent. The City by the Bay did see a dip of 0.2 percent in occupancy rates in May, bringing it to 96.6 percent.

[Tweet “San Francisco rent growth forecasted at 10.5 percent by end of 2016”]

Job growth is strong in San Francisco, at 3.6 percent as of April 2016 on an annual basis, but Dallas, Austin and Orlando surpassed that rate.

However, despite how strong San Francisco seems, it has dipped from its peak prices in December 2015.

SF legend

Email Kimberly Manning

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