There were 38,000 completed foreclosure nationally in the month of June, representing the 56th straight month of year-over-year decline, according to CoreLogic’s June 2016 National Foreclosure Report.

  • June was the 56th straight month of year-over-year decline in completed foreclosures in the U.S.
  • The 38,000 completed foreclosures in June 2016 represents a 5.1 percent rise since May, but it also represents a year-over-year drop of 4.9 percent.
  • Florida held the highest foreclosed inventory among judicial states and upwards of 35,000 more than no. 2 Ohio.

There were 38,000 completed foreclosure nationally in the month of June, representing the 56th straight month of year-over-year decline, according to CoreLogic’s June 2016 National Foreclosure Report.

“The impact of the inexorable reduction over the past several years in both foreclosure trends and serious delinquencies is driving the long-awaited return to more historic norms for the U.S. housing market ” CoreLogic CEO and President Anand Nallathambi said in a statement.

Although the 38,000 completed foreclosures in June 2016 represents a 5.1 percent rise since May, it also represents a year-over-year drop of 4.9 percent, according to CoreLogic. The seriously delinquency rate in the U.S. is also at its lowest rate in almost nine years, sitting at 2.8 percent in June.

About 375,000 homes, or 1 percent of all homes with a mortgage, were at some stage of the foreclosure process in June — a 25.9 percent decrease from June 2015’s 507,000 homes in the same process.

“We expect the combination of continued price appreciation of more than 5 percent and rising employment levels in the year ahead will help cement gains we have had and perhaps accelerate them,” Nallathambi said.

Foreclosures in Florida

As of June 2016, Florida’s foreclosure inventory was at 1.8 percent, and its serious delinquency rate was 4.3 percent, both of which are higher than national averages. With 59,749 completed foreclosures in Florida from June 2015 to June 2016 — the most among judicial states and upwards of 35,000 more than no. 2  Ohio — the state saw a 36.6 percent drop in foreclosure inventory.

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The Miami metro’s foreclosure statistics were worse off than the rest of Florida’s, with a foreclosure inventory of 2.3 percent and a delinquency rate of 5.8 percent in June, both of which slightly decreased from May. The metro saw a drop in year-over-year foreclosure inventory of 36 percent — the third-highest decrease of the 10 metros studied.

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CoreLogic, a real estate data company, considers a “foreclosed” property one that has been purchased at auction by either a third party or the lender. Properties in the foreclosure process have reached certain levels of delinquency with the mortgage servicer, and the mortgage servicer has initiated or is enacting foreclosure proceedings against the property owner. CoreLogic also separates states into judicial and non-judicial categories to accommodate for foreclosure timelines.

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