Chelsea Peitz, creator and host of “Chelschat Snapshow: Marketing Snappily Ever After” and Director of Marketing for Fidelity National Title, is an expert at using Snapchat to build a personal brand.

Her weekday Snapchat series promotes real estate marketing tips, tools and strategies designed to help real estate professionals make more money doing what they love. And, her Facebook Group SnappackLive connects thousands of like-minded real estate professionals using social media to develop their personal brand. See for yourself now.

Peitz will share all of her Snapchat knowledge on stage at Inman Connect San Francisco on Tuesday, August 8.

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We checked in with Chelsea to learn her secrets to success and best advice for other agents.

What’s the best piece of advice you can offer agents?

Marketing and digital strategies change rapidly, which means that taking the time to continue learning through conferences, webinars and blogs is key to keeping up with the demands of a modern consumer.

Give us a sneak peek and tell us one of the key takeaways audience members will learn during your session.

How real estate agents are using Snapchat geofilters to drive traffic to their websites and create brand awareness in a fun and creative way!

What’s your secret to success?

Understanding what your unique niche is and crafting a very targeted core message around that concept makes creating a powerful brand easy.

Offering value and education helps people and attracts them to you versus pulling people to you with sales tactics. People want to have an authentic relationship with others — not be sold. Help first and then the sales will follow.

Email Samantha Bullock

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