In September Apple unveiled the new iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus models with wireless charging, a third all-new smartphone called the iPhone X (the X is a Roman numeral, so it’s pronounced “iPhone 10”), a new Apple TV with support for 4K ultra-HD video, and a new version of the Apple Watch with its own built-in cellular radio, allowing wearers to make and take calls without a phone nearby.

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The iPhone X got the most buzz, partly because of its expected hefty price tag ($999 for the lowest-end model), partly because it does away with the iconic circular Apple “home” button at the bottom of the phone in favor of an all-screen front (it also features wireless charging). But the Apple Watch with cellular ($399) seems equally as interesting for its potential as a business tool, allowing you to make calls without a phone nearby.

As the most valuable tech company in the world, Apple has the ability to command attention like few others. But will today’s big announcements inspire real estate pros to upgrade to Apple’s pricey new gadgets? Or does the Apple hype outweigh the hardware?

Take our reader survey now and let us know.

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