A simple disagreement in the comments of a Facebook post about a viral news story led to a complete stranger destroying the online reputation of Alabama Re/Max Realtor Monika Glennon and, by her estimates, cost her nearly $200,000 in business, according to a news story from Gizmodo.

Monika Glennon | Photo courtesy Zillow

The trouble started, according to the report, when Glennon — who works at Re/Max Alliance in Huntsville, Alabama — got a call from a colleague one morning about a post on the Re/Max Facebook page, with a link to a site called “She’s A Homewrecker” which exists to shame the “other woman,” in affairs. The post’s author alleged, in great and graphic detail, according to the report, that she hired Glennon as her Realtor and then one night walked in on Glennon and her husband having sex on the floor of a home they were supposed to see.

Glennon was reportedly horrified by the post — which was a complete fabrication the post’s alleged author later admitted in a Facebook post — and it slowly made its way around Glennon’s own social circle, thanks to a Facebook user named Ryan Baxter. Baxter, according to the report, was later revealed to be a woman named Hannah Lupian, a regular reader of the website who frequently forwarded the site’s lurid posts to the other subjects’ friends and family.

Mollie Rosenblum, the woman who confessed to making the accusation — she was unnmasked after Glennon spent $100,000 in attorney’s fees — said it stemmed from an argument on a viral news story about a teenager taking a selfie at Auschwitz. Glennon had commented on the story, shared by a local news station and defended the teen’s actions and her and Rosenblum had a brief back-and-forth, according to the report.

“This woman went out of her way to continue to argue, aka troll me,” Rosenblum posted on Facebook, even after admitting to authoring the post. “She was in my view, bordering on antisemitic [sic] in her rude, argumentative comments.”

Rosenblum also noted in the Facebook post that she was in the throes of a methamphetamine addiction at the time.

“While Mrs. Glennon is not an adulterous woman to my knowledge, she is guilty in my opinion, of Facebook trolling the wrong person,” Rosenblum added.

The faux tale of the lecherous Realtor was reposted on another site called BadBizReport.is — which has yet to take the post down. The post is still on the first page of Glennon’s Google results. Within a year, Glennon said her listings dropped by half and she estimates $200,000 lost in business since 2015, according to the report.

Glennon eventually won a lawsuit against Lupian and Rosenblum, who was also sentenced to four years in jail for kidnapping in 2017, according to the report. A judge has yet to award damages in the case.

Glennon did not respond to a request by Inman for comment for this story.

Email Patrick Kearns

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