Last week, we asked you, our readers, to share the important things that are helping you get through the year and keep your business afloat. Here’s what you had to say.

In today’s virtual, work-from-home environment, agents are seeking training and coaching in entirely new ways. In August, we’re laser-focused on what defines good coaching today and how to get the most out of it.

Pulse is a recurring column where we ask for readers’ takes on varying topics in a weekly survey and report back with our findings.

Given recent projections about the national trajectory of the virus and the continuation of work-from-home policies, we were curious to hear what our readers have been relying on for the past five or so months, and what’s still helping them keep business going. We were hoping to read your thoughts about digital platforms, communication tools and other nifty things you’ve rediscovered during the pandemic.

Although we only received six answers, each one of them represented something different, yet equally important. Like, striking a perfect balance between life and work, especially now that they both seem to happen within the same space. And fostering connections with people — because this business really does boil down to relationships.

There’s tech, too, which we all know has been an indispensable asset in our everyday lives. And faith, which we could all use a little sprinkling of, in one form or another. Collectively, these responses hit the nail on the head. Here’s what you had to say:

  • Cash. Large reserves can help weather any storms.
  • I am leaning in to work in a big way. We lost our home in the Woolsey Fire, and it’s been incredibly stressful — waiting for almost 19 months for our permit to rebuild, dealing with insurance issues, moving three times, kids going to a new school, and now, the pandemic. To top it all off, my office was consolidated (I work for a very large brokerage), and in June, after paying a large monthly rent on a big office where everyone was SIP and WFH, they opted to merge our office into another one. So, after 23 years, I had to move from my familiar building into a new one.

The one thing that’s kept me going through all this stress is being deemed an “essential” business and putting even more effort into real estate. The results? Having a phenomenal year and making homebuyers’ dreams come true. It’s a good feeling. I’ve embraced every technology, social media platform and marketing resource available and thank God every day that I don’t have to stay home and sit at a computer fighting over who’s going to walk the dog with our teenage kids!

  • Referrals.
  • My faith.
  • Focusing on showing interest and care in people! People are our biggest asset.
  • Learning how to create a healthy balance between work and home life.
  • So many people have been receptive to Zoom calls! Prospects that I never could get a hold of before are now more willing to meet with me via Zoom. It’s been great!

What did we miss? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Editor’s note: These responses were given anonymously and, therefore, are not attributed to anyone specifically. Responses were also edited for grammar and clarity. Inman doesn’t endorse any specific method and regulations may vary from state to state. 

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